Buy Pyridium Dosage Drug To Treat UTI

Posted on Wednesday, 18 January 2012 by cathrine blistop

Generic Pyridium (Phenazopyridine) is a chemical that, when excreted in the urine, has a local analgesic effect. It is often used to mitigate the pain, irritation, discomfort, or urgency caused by urinary tract infections, surgery, or injury to the urinary tract.

Pyridium Dosage

Use Pyridium as directed by the physician. Do not take it less than doctors prescription or greater. Take Pyridium dosage with a glass of hot water or to prevent stomach upset have it with food. This will react and change your urine color to red or orange. This is a normal effect and does not harm you.

Pyridium also causes stain i your soft contact lenses. So avoid wearing it. And it is not advisible to take pyridium continously or more than 2 days because it starts it chemical reaction with glucose and ketone in the urine.

Do not take Pyridium drug if you are taking kidney function drugs. Over dose of Pyridium may result in bluish color of skin, yellowing of the skin or eyes, vomiting.

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